To Every Thing There Is A Season And A Time

You can want something your whole life, but it’s not the right time, it just won’t happen.  You could force it, but that’s another story. Notice that the greatest blessings and ideas come into fruition at the right time? Somehow it never comes earlier or later than it needs to; it’s always right on time. 

Listen to the full audio reading of Ecclesiastes 3 here: (coming soon)

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I can’t believe today marks my 30th blog post! Thank you Readers for taking the time to visit my blog. I launched this blog on December 1st, 2019, not knowing where it would go. I was a little bummed that I hadn’t started it when I first arrived in Korea but here we are six months later, going strong. When I look back, I realize that the launch happened at the right time.

He [God] makes all things beautiful in his time.

Ecclesiastes 3:11

Trust his timing.

When I started writing this blog post, there was a prayer that I had been praying about for over a month or two.  Little did I know that God already provided an answer. I  found out about it a few weeks ago, after it was answered. 

The revelation blew my mind. While I was busy praying, God already supplied an answer to the prayer in a humorous way. It brought me to tears. 

God is good. 

Though Ecclesiates 3 reminds us of God’s perfect timing, it also reminds us of some of the realities of life:

There is a time to be born and a time to die

There is a time for peace and a time for war

There is a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing

There is a time to love and a time to hate

The thing about God’s timing is, it makes sense to him, but it does not always make sense to us. 

The timing of these: birth, death, peace, war, embracing, not embracing, love and hate, doesn’t happen when we expect. We may anticipate but we never know the exact time.  They can come on so suddenly it trips or stops us in our tracks. 

Like this pandemic. None of us knew that after the start of this new year, we’d go on to experience a drastic change to our livelihoods. We would no longer be able to embrace, shake hands, spend time with loved ones, in group settings, go to work, walk around without a mask; everything changed. 

This season brought grief, sorrow, fear,  anxiety, stress, confusion, disappointment. But it also bought opportunity, creativity, enlightenment, rest, and ample free time.

There is something to learn in every season we are in. 

The flowers weren’t always blooming in my town. As fall season rolled around, the leaves lost their rich green hues. The town looked gray, colorless and dull all winter long. Then at the first sign of spring, cherry blossoms filled the streets.

As I mentioned above, sometimes we can force things to happen before it’s time. But it’ll come at a cost. Even the events which were meant to happen come with a cost, so imagine when it’s forced.

Consider this: how tasty and scrumptious a fruit is when it’s ripe. Pick it off the tree before then and you’ll find it’s bitter, hard or tasteless.

God has, is, and will prepare you for the season you’re in now and the seasons to come. Don’t rush the process. Your daily faithfulness and obedience will ripen and bloom at the right time. 

If you leave it to God, trust me, there will be fruits. How sweet they will be. 

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