A Typical Week Day in Korea

No one day is ever the same. Yet the sun always rises and sets everyday. We have a constant week day: Monday through Friday. Tuesday always follows Monday, and Friday, Thursday. In the same way, I’ve develop a pattern since living here in Korea. What is a typical week day like for me?

Morning Routine

Once my eyes open, I’m immediately grateful for a new day. Some days I’ll have time to kneel in front of my bed and thank God for his abundant mercy. If I’m lucky I’ll have devotion, with a quick journaling session. Other days I’ll just lie in bed for a few minutes, say a prayer in my heart, then dash for the shower. I’ll usually have something’s playing in the background while I’m getting ready. Recently I’ve had Oprah’s Super Soul Conversation Podcast playing. Some days it’s a sermon I find on YouTube. Lately I’ve been listening to Randy Skeete. As long as what I’m listening to something up lifting. Before I leave, maybe I’ll have milk (soy, chocolate or strawberry) or yogurt. The best thing about my apartment is that it’s a three-minute brisk walk from my school.

Every great day starts with a selfie =)


Fifth grade students drawing a picture of me.

This is what I look forward to the most. I teach at least four 40 minute classes a day. I am always excited to see my students entering the classroom. When they arrive, it’s important for me to assess the atmosphere. This helps me understand the student’s current mood. Throughout my lesson, I’ll adjust my energy and tone depending on what I’m sensing in the classroom. I think this is necessary to have a great classroom environment. After each class, I either prepare for the next one, then I jot down notes on how the class went. The types of things I make a note of are: observations (students comprehension and engagement with the lesson) what worked and what didn’t work. Or I’ll lesson plan. At around 12 noon or 12:30pm, I’ll have lunch. After lunch, I may have one class to teach, free periods, or after school at 3:00pm until it’s time to go home. I teach two after school classes twice a week. Grades three and four are taught together and as well as five and six. Once a week I teach at a travel school 15 minutes away from my main school.

Home – Haven

Sautéing peppers and onions for a meal featured on the cooking blog.

Most days I cook a meal when I get home. (Click here to check out my food blog) I get very creative, especially on the days I don’t want to cook for more than 20 minutes. I’m always excited to go on staff dinners; that’s usually once a month. Then I don’t have to cook anything. The staff dinners are also great to spend time with colleagues outside of work. Despite my reluctance to cook, the best feeling is when there are leftovers in the fridge. Not just any leftovers. But the kind that you’re proud of, because one: you made it and two: it tastes really good.

When I get home I usually do a few things: eat dinner while watching my favorite Turkish drama “Yemin (The Promise).” Then I may continue to learn Hangul, work on the blog website, talk to family, catch up with friends in Korea or back home. I haven’t done much exploring within Korea as I initially planned. But there’s never a good time like the present.

Friday Nights

A bookmark I got from the church I frequented when I lived in the Netherlands back in 2016.

The weekend is finally here! This is the time I typically use to have bible study. Before I begin, I sing as many songs as I want, (usually four to five; I hope my neighbors don’t mind), I read a few chapters from my favorite books in the bible, then pray. There are many ways for me to choose the subject of the bible study. It depends on what I read throughout the week. Or I close my eyes and randomly open the bible to a page that sparks my interest. As I read, I write down my impressions, define certain words, phrases, or ideas and the lesson I’ve learned.

Bedtime Routine

Just before bedtime or when ever all my work is done, I prepare my outfit for the next day then say a prayer. I may play music, read and lie in bed and reflect on my day. Ultimately, I look forward to a good night’s rest to face the next day.

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