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December 18, 2019

A Biblical Grammar Lesson on Selflessness

When we use the word then, it’s usually sandwiched in between two phrases or sentences. Ex. _ then _. Typically whatever comes before then has to be “completed” first and then the following phrase or sentence proceeds. Does that mean God will only answer us after we’ve done something first…

My Lucky Brown Cardigan

Your next statement piece might be somewhere you least expect it to be. Mine happened to be at my schools’ bazaar…

My Favorite Korean Spicy Sauce

All good chicken begins in the marination process. This Korean spicy sauce did not disappoint…

How I Got Rid of Bugs In My Apartment

If you’re like me, a bug of any size freaks you out. Then how are you living in Gangwon-do, South Korea you might ask? In this blog post I’ll share a few ways I’ve tried, and still try to get rid of bugs in my apartment…

7 Things I’ve Learned In My 4 Months of Teaching In Korea

It’s been four months since I flew all the way from New York to South Korea. Though there are so many things I’ve grown accustomed to do – speaking a few words in Korean to staff and students, choosing an activity that engages a particular class’s learning ability, it took time to get there. I am not perfect but I’ve definitely made lots of progress…